Friday Mass - August 16th 2024
https://linktr.ee/spcnyc Mass without Commercial Interruption - https://stpatrickscathedral.lightcast... Worship Booklet - https://saintpatrickscathedral.org/live Celebrant - Fr. Enrique Salvo https://qrs.ly/ncacz5p - Support St. Patrick’s Cathedral as we work to bring the Holy Spirit to your home every day. Please donate to our Mass Collection. We appreciate your generosity. God Bless. http://spcgift.org - Visit the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Gift Shop and make your online purchase today! God Bless. • A Spiritual Journey with Fr. Enrique ... - Fr. Enrique Salvo shares his thoughts and insight on our Catholic faith. Reprinted / Podcast / Streamed with permission under ONELICENSE # A-700542. All rights reserved. --- #catholic #jesus #catholicchurch #christian #church #faith #catholicism #god #jesuschrist #love #pray #bible #christianity #prayer #catholiclife #romancatholic #christ #cat #catholicfaith #rosary #religion #catolicos #catolico #catholics #cats #holyspirit #katolik #hope #gospel #virginmary