Cambridge IELTS-16, Speaking Test-4, With Band-9 Answers.

Cambridge IELTS-16, Speaking Test-4, With Band-9 Answers.

Hello Listeners, Welcome to my YouTube channel. To support us, Please like, comment, share, and subscribe to the channel. Today, you will learn Cambridge IELTS- 16, speaking test-4, with band-9 answers. Listen carefully. Part 1 The examiner asks you about yourself you're home, work or studies and other familiar topics. Example : Fast food What kind of fast food have you tried? Why/ why not ? Do you ever use a microwave to cook food quickly? why/ why not? How popular are fast food restaurants where you live? why /why not ? When would you go to a fast - food restaurant? why/ why not ? Part 2 Cue Card Describe some technology ( e.g an app, phone, software program) hat you decided to stop using. You should say; When and where you got this technology? Why you started using this technology? Why you decided to stop using it ? And explain how you feel about the decision you made. Note: In this part of the test you are given one cue card and one minute to read the question (you cannot choose or change the topic) and you have to speak about the topic on the card, using the prompts to guide you, for one to two minutes. Part 3 Discussion topics What kinds of computer games do people play in your country? Why do people enjoy, playing video games? Do you think all the computer games must have a minimum age for players? In what ways can technology in the classroom be helpful?  Do you agree that students are often better at using technology than their teachers? Do you believe that computers will ever replace human teachers? Thank you. This is the end of your speaking test. #cambridge16test4#cambridge16#speakingtest#ielts #ieltsspeaking #speaking #english #idiom #learnenglish #ielts9 #ieltstips #grammar #commonmistakes #vocabulary #ieltsvideos #ieltsreading #ieltslistening #ieltswriting #ieltswritingtask1 #ieltswritingtask2 #toefl #cae #cpe #exams #examinations #fce #lexis #duolingo #learning #teaching #education #adulteducation #educationalvideos #selfstudy #classroom #elearning #onlinelearning#band9 Full speaking test: Full Exam 1    • Latest IELTS Speaking Test Questions ...   Full exam 2    • Full Exam 01 : Latest IELTS Full Spea...   Real full test 2 :    • Complete Speaking Test. Overall Band ...   Recent, full speaking test: June, 2022:    • Recent, Full speaking test. June, 2022.   Cambridge ielts 16 -test 2:    • Cambridge IELTS 16 - Test 2 . Band 9 ...   Full speaking test:    • Full IELTS Speaking Test. The candida...   Cambridge 16, test-3:    • Cambridge IELTS 16, speaking test 3, ...   Cambridge IELTS-16, speaking test-3, with band 9 answers.    • Cambridge IELTS 16, speaking test 3, ...   Cambridge IELTS 16, speaking test-1:    • Cambridge IELTS 16-Test 1. 8+ Speakin...   For More scholarship Videos: McGill University Scholarships in Canada 2022-23:    • McGill University Scholarships in Can...   South Korean Government Scholarship in South Korea. Fully Funded:    • South Korean Government Scholarships ...   Educational credential assessment (ECA):    • আমেরিকা এবং কানাডার জন্য, ঘরে বসে, নি...   University of Alberta in Canada:    • নিজে নিজে  Scholarship Apply করুন। Un...   University of british Columbia in Canada:    • University of British Columbia Schola...   Free Study in Norway:    • Free Study in Norway. নিজে নিজে, ঘরে ...   BEST 10 UNIVERSITIES IN CANADA FOR 2023:    • QS World University Rankings,2022.  B...   how to write the Best Motivation Letter for Scholarship Application:    • How to write the Best Motivation Lett...   Top 10 Scholarships in Canada for 2023:    • নিজে নিজে Apply করুন। Top 10 Fully Fu...   University of Saskatchewan, Canada. ঘরে বসে,নিজে নিজে Apply করুন।    • University of Saskatchewan, Canada. ঘ...   universities in Canada where you can study without IELTS:    • Universities in Canada where you can ...   10 important Documents and 9 helpful Tips for successful Admission, Scholarships and Awards:    • 10 important Documents and 9 helpful ...   Canada has over one million job vacancies. কিভাবে নিজে নিজে Apply করবেন !!    • Canada has over one million job vacan...   List of universities in the USA without IELTS:    • List of universities in the USA witho...   NTNU International Masters Programmes in NORWAY. 100% Tuition free.    • NTNU International Masters Programmes...   Thank you for watching the video. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe to the channel.