किन लोगो को थायरॉइड का ऑपरेशन का सुजाव किया जाता है ?

किन लोगो को थायरॉइड का ऑपरेशन का सुजाव किया जाता है ?

LINK FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE VIDEO    • Who should do Thyroid Surgery ( Thyro...   0:00 introduction 1:18 indication for thyroid surgery 2:05 goiter leading to surgery 3:26 graves disease leading to surgery 6:29 Thyroid nodule leading to surgery 8:12 Toxic adenoma leading to surgery 8:35 toxic multinodular goiter leading to surgery Thyroid cancer is the most common reason for thyroidectomy. If you have thyroid cancer, removing most, if not all, of your thyroid will likely be a treatment option. goiter is called enlargement of the thyroid gland and it is usually Noncancerous. Removing all or part of your thyroid gland is an option if you have a large goiter that is uncomfortable if the goiter is causing hyperthyroidism. large goiter can cause relief of presure symptoms like dysphagia and dyspnoea that is difficulty breathing or swallowing cosmetic reason retrosternal extension of goiter (hyperthyroidism) / Graves disease. Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Anti thyroid medicines are causing side effects, Poor compliance, unable to tolerate medicine, unable to take medicine, or contrainidcated. Radioactive iodine therapy failure, doesnt desire to take therapy, contraindication relapse after surgery Thyroid eye disease graves pregnant women and desiring of pregnancy and cant wait Indeterminate or suspicious thyroid nodules. Some thyroid nodules can't be identified as cancerous or noncancerous after testing a sample from a needle biopsy. Doctors may recommend that people with these nodules have thyroidectomy if the nodules have an increased risk of being cancerous. specially in young and elderly Toxic multinodular goiter, toxic adenomas We are happy to announce that with we are ranked Top Endocrinologist in Mumbai. https://threebestrated.in/endocrinolo... Facebook: https://www.fb.com/drtanvimayurpatel Instagram:   / drtanvimayurpatel   For PAID Consultation : WhatsApp Message on http://wa.me/919987829999 CLINIC ADDRESS ( No branch) 1 Rupal Apartment, Samarth Ramdas Marg, Off 10th Road, JVPD, Juhu, Mumbai, India Google map location https://maps.app.goo.gl/vPUz7hAPBTEoE... Please Note : This video is for Educational purpose only. We strongly recommend to consult your Doctor/ Physician before taking any medication/Supplementation . All Contents by Speech & Video by : Dr. Tanvi Mayur Patel Video Editing, Uploading by : Vimal Vanani, Surat Work Portfolio : https://behance.net/VimalVanani #thyroidectomy #thyroidsurgery #thyroidoperation #indication #gravesdisease #thyroidcancer #toxicadenoma #toxicmultinodulargoiter #surgery #thyroidnodule #thyroideyedisease #retrosternalgoiter #youtube #hindi #newvideo #videorelease #youtuber #health #knowledge