찬송가372장 그 누가 나의 괴롬 알며
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen 1 No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus, No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! Some-times I'm up, some-times I'm down, Oh, yes, Lord! Some-times I'm al-most to the ground, Oh, yes, Lord! No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus; No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! 2 No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus, No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! I meet such tri-als here be-low, Oh, yes, Lord! My heart, it's al-most broke with woe, Oh, yes, Lord! No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus; No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! 3 No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus, No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! That De-vil, he's too smart for me, Oh, yes, Lord! Come, Je-sus! Give me vic-to-ry! Oh, yes, Lord! No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, No-bod-y knows but Je-sus; No-bod-y knows the trou-ble I've seen, Glo-ry hal-le-lu-jah! [출처] 한영 찬송가 371장부터380장까지 NWC악보 PPT악보 반주MR 소프라노 엘토 테너 베이스 찬송가전곡악보|작성자 성경과찬송뉴