Wankhede stadium can grow tobacco?!🤔

Wankhede stadium can grow tobacco?!🤔

Alluvial soil: Covers 40% of the country and is found in northern plains, river valleys, and Peninsular deltas. Supports crops like wheat, maize, sugarcane, pulses, and oilseeds, are intensively cultivated. Red and Yellow Soil: Covers 18.5% of the country, found in low rainfall areas like the Deccan Plateau. Red soil in Western Ghats, Odisha, Chattisgarh, and Middle Ganga Plain. Grows wheat, cotton, oilseeds, millets, tobacco, and pulses. Forest and mountain Soil: Mountain soil is in forests with enough rain. It feels different on slopes and in valleys. Valleys have smooth soil, while slopes have rough soil. In the snowy Himalayas, the soil is not good, but in lower valleys, it’s great for plants. Laterite Soil: Laterite soil, covering 3.7%, forms in monsoon areas, rich in iron and potash. Found in states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, especially good for cashew nuts. Desert Soil: Also called as Arid soil, covering 4.42%, is red to brown, sandy to gravelly, and lacks moisture. Normal phosphate, low in nitrogen. Found in western Rajasthan, low in humus. Black Soil: Black soil, covering 15%, is deep and sticky when wet, cracking in dry seasons. Mainly used for growing crops like cotton, pulses, millets, castor, tobacco, sugarcane, and citrus fruits. … Resources: Times of India: All you need to know about cricket pitches: Preparation, different tracks, soil composition and characteristics: 02 Mar 2021 Jagran Josh: Classification and Properties of the Major Soil in India: 13 Apr 2018 .. #typesofsoil #soil #mitti #kkcreate #geography #geopolitics #ncert