Bank Audit Revision | CA Final Audit | CA Shubham Keswani (AIR 8)

Bank Audit Revision | CA Final Audit | CA Shubham Keswani (AIR 8)

For Telegram updates: CA Final: CA Inter: CA Final Audit Audit Batches: CA Inter Audit Batches: Intro 00:00 Special audit considerations in banks due to 1:11 Legal Framework 3:00 Form & Content of FS 3:22 Appointing Authority 5:00 Conducting Audit - Stages 5:59 Special considerations in IT Environment 26:47 Key security control aspects that auditor addresses in computerised bank 31:18 Risk Based Internal Audit 33:59 General ICs 10:44 Cash ICs 12:43 Clearings ICs 14:11 Bill for Collection 16:22 Bill Purchase 18:08 Loans & Advances ICs 19:55 Demand Draft ICs 21:40 Credit Card Operations ICs 22:23 Compliance with CRR & SLR requirements 23:45 Items excluded 25:07 Items included 26:27 Cash 36:21 Balance with RBI 36:44 Money at Call/Short Notice 37:34 Special-purpose Certificates of Investments 38:59 Auditor obtains evidence about following while auditing advances 39:40 Substantive Audit Procedures for Advances 40:45 Recoverability of Advances – Procedures 42:21 Classification & Provision 43:18 A/cs regularized near B/S date 45:24 Drawing Power Calculation 46:50 A/cs with temporary deficiencies 48:33 Limit not reviewed 48:56 Asset Classification Classification 49:14 Govt Guaranteed Advances 49:42 Agricultural Advances 51:45 Restructured Advances 52:53 Upgradation of Advances 55:47 Sale/Purchase of NPAs – Examine 56:15 Stationery 58:28 Non Banking Assest acquired in satisfaction of claim 59:18 Verification of Capital 1:13:51 Basel III accord aims at 1:14:34 Current & saving a/cs – Procedures 1:06:03 Inoperative a/cs 1:07:22 Term Deposit 1:07:52 Deposit in Fo. Currency 1:09:03 Case Study 1:09:55 Borrowing 1:10:49 Bill Payable 1:11:32 For Contingent Liability, Auditor shall obtain Mgt representation that 1:16:19 Contingent Liabilities 1:17:48 Contingent Liabilities – Procedures 1:19:07 Claim not Acknowledgement as debt 1:20:05 Guarantee 1:21:26 Auditor’s Report 1:01:08 Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) 1:01:53 Report on fraud 1:03:21 Reports & certificates 1:04:58 Scope of Concurrent Audit 1:23:05 Cash 1:23:40 Investment 1:24:25 Advances – Procedures 1:25:03 Foreign Exchange – Procedures 1:25:56 Appointment of Concurrent Auditors 1:26:40 Reporting Systems of Concurrent Auditors 1:27:08 RTP MAY23 Q 1:28:34 #audit #cafinal #cainter #icai #caexams #castudents #caresults #cashubhamkeswani #shubhamkeswani #shubhamkeswanirevision #caexam #caresults #motivation #cafoundation