December 5 2021, Advent 2 -Peace, Gravenhurst Trinity United, Rev. Carol-Ann Chapman

December 5 2021, Advent 2 -Peace, Gravenhurst Trinity United, Rev. Carol-Ann Chapman

Mission Statement : To be a compassionate, inclusive and joyful faith community PRELUDE Carol Medley (Muskoka Ukulele Society) WELCOME LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ADVENT MUSIC Hope, Peace, Joy, Love by Mike Church, guitar LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE We are a people who seek peace. We know that God has told us to turn our weapons of war into instruments that benefit all humanity. In the name of that Child who was born long ago to become the Prince of Peace, we now light the Candle of Peace. ADVENT MUSIC Hope, Peace, Joy, Love by Mike Church, guitar OPENING THOUGHT Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas -Calvin Coolidge CHRISTMAS MEMORY Christmas Memories: Past and Future. A poem by Patricia Anne Elford From Christmas with Hot Apple Cider, Stories from the Season of Giving and Receiving. (pg. 126) OPENING HYMN V.U. 47 Still, Still, Still CALL TO WORSHIP (Kindly read the bold print) All creation holds its breath. The time is almost here. The heavenly choir of angels waits for its cue to sing. Excitement is all around us. Prepare your hearts–The grace of God takes on human form. Good news! Emmanuel, God-with-Us, comes to us. We gather to make ready our hearts for the coming of Christ, our peace. QUIET REFLECTION TIME CONTEMPLATIVE MUSIC Come and fill our hearts with your peace, You alone O God are holy Come and fill our hearts with your peace, Alleluia CALL TO RECONCILIATION PRAYER OF CONFESSION WORDS OF ASSURANCE CONTEMPLATIVE MUSIC Come and fill our hearts with your peace, You alone O God are holy Come and fill our hearts with your peace, Alleluia CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM BAPTISM ANTHEM Child of Mine (by Michael A. Schmid) Affirmation of Faith: The New Creed Statement of Purpose PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATE Profession of Faith and Promises Minister: (To the entire Congregation) Do you believe in God, Source of love; in Jesus Christ, love incarnate; and in the Holy Spirit, love’s power. I do by the grace of God. Promises of Parents: Commitment of Grandparents/Great-grandparents Congregational Commitment Prayer of Thanksgiving and Pouring of the Water THE ACT OF BAPTISM PRESENTATION OF PRAYER SHAWL LIGHTING OF THE CANDLE PRESENTATION OF THE NEWLY BAPTIZED SCRIPTURE Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79 READER Gordon Flint SCRIPTURE EXPLAINED MUSIC FOR CENTRING AND REFLECTION MINISTER’S REFLECTION Preparing the Way MUSIC FOR REFLECTION Silent Night (arr. Charles Beale) BLESSING OVER THE GIFTS As people of faith, we wait in hope at the promise that Jesus will be among us. May our gifts be used to bring peace to the many who are in need. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. PASTORAL PRAYER LORD’S PRAYER (Sung; V.U. 960) ANNOUNCEMENTS CLOSING HYMN V.U. 44 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear BLESSING (kindly read the bold print) May I remind you that wherever we are, in the sanctuary or watching from home, we are the church, And wherever you are, may you feel God’s love to the left of you and the right of you, In front of you and behind you Above you and below you Within you and within everyone you meet Now and always. Amen. SUNG BLESSING Go Now In Peace (Back of Voices United) PEACE OF CHRIST The peace of Christ be with you And also with you POSTLUDE Go, Tell it on the Mountain #gravenhurst #unitedchurch