Today's Catholic Mass Reading and Gospel Reflection
September 21, 2023 The Call to Transformative Compassion 1st Reading - Ephesians 4:1-7: 11-13 Gospel - Matthew 9:9-13 In today's readings, a powerful message of transformation through compassion and discipleship emerges. The reading from Ephesians underscores the importance of unity within the body of Christ and the diversity of spiritual gifts given to individuals for the common good. These gifts serve to build up the Church and contribute to its growth and maturity. The Gospel passage from Matthew tells the story of Jesus' call to Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew's response is immediate, and he hosts a banquet where he invites other tax collectors and sinners to dine with Jesus. This action prompts the Pharisees to question Jesus about why He associates with such individuals. In response, Jesus reminds them that it is the sick who need a physician, not the healthy. These passages encourage us to reflect on our roles as disciples of Christ and the transformative power of compassion. Are we using our spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ, or are we focused solely on our individual interests? Jesus' actions in reaching out to tax collectors and sinners challenge us to extend compassion and love to those who may be marginalized or considered outcasts in society.