The fox and The Grapes story with moral writing in English/Grapes are sour story writing in English

The fox and The Grapes story with moral writing in English/Grapes are sour story writing in English

Namrata Education Hello Friends, Welcome to my channel. This video is about a short moral story of" The Fox and Grapes".This moral story writing is very helpful for students, teachers, and parents. #NamrataArt&Education#foxandgrapesstorywritinginEnglishi#shortmoralstorywriting#garpesaresourstoryinenglish#moralstorywritinginEnglish#storywritingonfoxandthegrapes#foxandgrapeswithmoralwritingforprojects#howtowriteshortmoralstoryinEnglish#Thefoxandthegrapes#grapesaresour