Psalm 34 - Taste and see that the Lord is good - Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
Responsorial psalm for Sunday March 27, 2022. Fourth Sunday of Lent Year Score Sheet https://bit.ly/3GP3Ynm RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 34:2-3.4-5.6-7 (R. 9a) R/. Taste and see that the Lord is good! I will bless the Lord at all times, praise of him is always in my mouth. In the Lord my soul shall make its boast; the humble shall hear and be glad. R/. Glorify the Lord with me; together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free. R/. R/. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. This lowly one called; the Lord heard, and rescued him from all his distress. R/. #Psalm34 #TasteAndSeeThatTheLordIsGood #FourthSundayOfLentYearC