Jesus Walks on Water - Short Story Of Jesus Christ #faith #jesus #shorts #viralvideo #trending

Jesus Walks on Water - Short Story Of Jesus Christ #faith #jesus #shorts #viralvideo #trending

One stormy night, Jesus’ disciples were in a boat, battling fierce winds and crashing waves. Fear gripped them as they struggled against the storm. Then, in the darkness, they saw something incredible—Jesus walking on the water toward them! Terrified, they thought He was a ghost. But Jesus called out, “Take heart! It is I; do not be afraid.” Peter, full of faith, said, “Lord, if it is really You, command me to come to You on the water.” Jesus responded with a single word: “Come.” With his eyes fixed on Jesus, Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water! But as he noticed the roaring wind and towering waves, doubt crept in. Fear replaced his faith, and he started to sink. “Lord, save me!” he cried. Immediately, Jesus reached out His hand, caught Peter, and said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” As they climbed back into the boat, the storm calmed, and the disciples worshiped Jesus, declaring, “Truly, You are the Son of God.” Lesson: This story teaches us that faith in Jesus can help us overcome even the most impossible situations. But when we let fear and doubt take over, we start to sink. Keep your focus on faith, not fear—because with Jesus, anything is possible! #JesusWalksOnWater #FaithOverFear #TrustInGod #MiracleOfJesus #GodIsWithYou #Believe #KeepTheFaith #BibleStories #JesusSaves #WalkByFaith