Cheesy Chicken Tacos #tacos #cooking

Cheesy Chicken Tacos #tacos #cooking

We love making this on a Sunday in a slow cooker. Start with 3 chicken breasts, throw them in the slow cooker with about 3 tabkesooons of taco seasoning, a can of green chilis, a can of tomatoe sauce and a cup of water. Put it on for about 4 hours on high until the chicken is fully cooked and juicy. Take the chicken out, shred and set aside. (You can throw the chicken back in the sauce to keep it moist). When you are ready to cook strain the sauce and set aside. Once you are ready to eat take a flour tortilla, add cheese, we used Monterey Jack, add your shredded chicken and more cheese and close it up. Put some oil in your pan and brown your taco on both sides. Once crispy, remove and once cool enough open it up to reveal the cheesy interior. Throw in some cilantro and onions and you are ready to dunk ! For the dunk juice we used our slow cooker sauce, added some cilantro and diced onions. Hope you enjoy this one ! (Adult supervision and cooking always required)