Top 10 low maintenance house plant for busy people

Top 10 low maintenance house plant for busy people

10 low maintenance plant which evry busy plant lovers shuld have . Top 10 Easy to Care Plants for Beginners | Low Maintenance House Plants 10 Low-Maintenance Houseplants for The Lazy Plant Parent 10 HOUSEPLANTS FOR BUSY PEOPLE | LOW MAINTENANCE INDOOR PLANTS EASIEST Houseplants Even YOU Can't Kill 🌱 Top 10 Easy Plants In My Collection The plants covered in the video are - Rubber Plant, , Sansevieria, Pothos (Money Plant),Jade plant, Syngonium , Spider Plant, lucky bamboo, Aglonema, Croton & alovera.. These plants may help those newbies on their journey to become a Plantaholic! Feel free to comment below for any queries. Also, what are your favourite plants? 00:00 Introduction 01:21 Rubber Plant 02:29 Snake plant 03:06 Jade Plant 03:47 Spider Plant 05:08 Aloe Vera 06:21 Croton 07:30 Syngonium 08:15 Aglonema 09:26 Money Plant 11:21 Lucky Bamboo 12:15 Outro