Partnership Fundamentals| D K GOEL 2025| Q21| Ch 1| Class 12| Accounts| Solutions@learnwithease
Partnership Fundamentals| D K GOEL 2025| Q21| Ch 1| Class 12| Accounts| Solutions @learnwithease Accounting for Partnership Firm| Q21| Ch 1| Class 12| Accounts| D K Goel Solutions| Partnership Firm @learnwithease In this video you will learn about accounting for partnership firms. This is chapter 1 Class 12 Accountancy from D. K. Goel class12 Accounts book. In this you will understand Solution of Practical Question 21 Chapter 2 Class 12 D K Goel Accounts A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of their capital which were Rs.600000 and Rs.400000 respectively on 1st Apr. 2023. The partnership deed provides that: i) Both partners will get salary of Rs.20000 each. ii) Interest on capital will be allowed @ 8% p.a iii) A will get a quarterly rent of Rs.24000 for the use of his property by the firm. On 1st Jul. 2023 A and B granted loan of Rs.100000 and Rs.50000 respectively to the firm. During the year ended 31st Mar.2024, the firm incurred a loss of Rs.17250 before any adjustment is made as per partnership deed. Prepare an account showing the distribution of profit / loss. What is partnership firm? What are the conditions to form a partnership firm? What are the characteristics or features of partnership firm What is partnership deed? How profits are distributed among partners in absence of partnership deed? What is LLP? What is the difference between partnership and limited liability partnership? #partnership #partnershipfirms #dkgoel2025 #dkgoel2025solutions #dkgoel2025partnershipsolutionsclass12 #dkgoel2025partavolume1partnership #dkgoel2025q21partnershipclass12accounts #q21fundamentals #fundamentalsq21 #accountingforpartnershipfirm #accountingforpartnershipfirmsclass12accountancy #class12 #accounts #chapter1 #ch1class12accounts #finanancialstatementsofpartnershipfirms #profitandlossappropriationaccount #q21ch1 #solutionofquestion21chapter1class12accountantancydkgoel #solution21ch1class12accounts #solutionsofch1partnershipfirmq21 #question21withsolutionofch1accounts #q21class12partnershipfirms #profitandlossaccount #profitsharingratio #partnershipclass12 #class12ch1accountancy #solutionsofdkgoelclass12accountancy #solutionsofpartnershipaccountingch1class12dkgoel #class12dkgoel #partnershipaccounts #partnershipaccounting #solutionsofdkgoel #solutionsofpartnershipch1 #partnershipdeed #financialstatementsofpartnershipfirms #partnerscapitalaccount #cashbook #journalentries #brsclass11 #npoclass12 #npo #financialstatementsclass11accounts #rectificationoferror #accountancyclass12ch1 #q21 #fluctuating #capitalaccount #accounting #solution #class #12th #capital #question21 #managerscommission #partnerscommission #afterprofit #beforeprofit