I Only Used Cinnamon! Become a Money Magnet! What does cinnamon mean in money ? Many things, but mainly abundance and making your fortune grow . With a simple ritual with this spice you will multiply your earnings and have economic stability in your business or work. Take advantage of the energetic benefits that cinnamon has for you and make the most of it to attract wealth and activate abundance . Read on to discover the spiritual power of this spice. If there is a dream that everyone shares, it is not to suffer from a lack of money ; Within the spiritual and energetic there is a way to make fortune grow and it is through rituals , cinnamon being the most successful and with the best results, since luck and abundance are activated , two fundamental aspects to attract money. Experts point out that the intense aroma of cinnamon serves as a magnet for money ; once it is used, the attraction is activated and the wealth begins to flow. For this reason, it is essential to have it nearby, especially in businesses or work offices. On the first day of each month you must perform this ritual without fail: blowing cinnamon on the doors and windows of the home, attracts money and fortune ; take a handful of this spice, place it in your right hand and go to said spaces in your house. Blow hard and when there is no cinnamon in the palm of your hand repeat these words: " Prosperity will come here ". This is how you will see your luck change. It is also a safe amulet to make money grow : keep a small bag with a teaspoon of cinnamon in your wallet and put it in the place where your bills are. It is believed that doing this is how you multiply your winnings and receive more fortune . ---- Darius Wallis http://prayershelp.com/