Thank You To Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread! JESUS IS LORD!

Thank You To Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread! JESUS IS LORD!

Jesus Resurrection Real! In Jesus Name Worldwide Revival Prevail! JESUS IS LORD To The Glory of God Our Father! Heavenly Father : In Jesus Name, By The Power of The Holy Ghost! As The Church At Home - The House of Prayer For All Nations, We are Boldly Declare : We are New Creations! We are In Jesus Blood New Covenant! We are What You Our God Says We are! We Can Do What Jesus Christ Our Lord Says We Can Do! Our Father In Heaven! Holy is Your Name! Your Kingdom Come! Your Will Be Done on earth! As It is in Heaven! Thank You To Give us This Day Our Daily Bread! And Thank You To Forgive Us Our debts As We Also Forgive Our debtors! And Thank You To Lead Us Not into temptation! But Deliver Us from the evil! For Yours is The Kingdom, And The Power, and The Glory! Forever! Amen! In Jesus Name All Fear All Gone! In Jesus Name All Dread No More! In Jesus Name All Good All Come! In Jesus Name All Peace All Ours! Hallelujah! You are The King of all! You are The Lord of all! You are Greater than all! The Almighty God! Hallelujah! For The Lord God Omnipotent Reigns! John 3 :16 : For God So Loved the world that He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Everyone Believing Into Him Should Not perish But Have Everlasting Life. Romans 10 : 9 : If We Confess with Our mouth the Lord Jesus, and Believe in Our heart that God Has Raised Him from the dead, We Shall Be Saved. It's The Eleven Hour! It's The Last Hour! Jesus is Coming Very Very Soon! Night and Day Pray Without Ceasing Worldwide Now! Revelation 22 : 20 : He Who Testifies To These Things Says, Surely I Am Coming Quickly. Amen. Even So, Come, Lord Jesus. 啟示錄 22:20: 證明這些事的說:「我必快來。」阿們。主耶穌啊,也願你來。 启示录 22:20: 证明这些事的说:「我必快来。」阿们。主耶稣啊,也愿你来。 요한계시록 22:20: 이 모든 계시를 보증해 주시는 분이 "그렇다. 내가 곧 가겠다"하고 말씀하셨습니다. 아멘. 오소서. 주 예수여! חזון יוחנן 22:20: הַמֵּעִיד הָעֵדוּת הַזֹּאת אֹמֵר אָמְנָם כֵּן אֲנִי בָא מַהֵר אָמֵן בֹּאָה־נָּא הָאָדוֹן יֵשׁוּעַ׃ योहानाला झालेले प्रकटीकरण 22:20: जो येशू या गोष्टीविषयी साक्ष देतो, तो म्हणतो, “होय, मी लवकर येतो.” आमेन, ये प्रभु येशू, ये! 22:20 مکاشفهٔ یوحنا: او که بر این امور شاهد است، می‌گوید: «بلی، به زودی می‌آیم!»آمین. بیا، ای خداوند عیسی! Αποκάλυψις Ιωάννου 22:20: Λέγει ὁ μαρτυρῶν ταῦτα, Ναί, ἔρχομαι ταχύ. Ἀμήν, ἔρχου κύριε Ἰησοῦ. Откровение 22:20: Свидетельствующий обо всём этом говорит: 'Поистине я приду скоро!'" Амен! Приди, Господь Йешуа! Offenbarung 22:20: Es spricht, der solches bezeugt: Ja, ich komme bald. Amen, ja komm, HERR Jesu! Wahyu 22:20: Yesus mposabii' hawe'ea lolita toi, pai' na'uli': "Makono! Neo' rata-ama." Amin! Tumai-moko, Pue' Yesus! ヨハネの黙示録 22:20: これらのことをあかしする方がこう言われる。「しかり。わたしはすぐに来る。」アーメン。主イエスよ、来てください。 გამოცხადება იოანესი 22:20: ამის დამმოწმებელი ამბობს: ჰო, მოვალ მალე! ამინ; ჰო, მოდი, უფალო იესო! Revelation 22:20: Ang nagpapatotoo sa mga bagay na ito ay nagsasabi, "Oo, ako'y malapit nang dumating." Amen. Pumarito ka Panginoong Jesus! Wahyu 22:20: Yesus mposabii' hawe'ea lolita toi, pai' na'uli': "Makono! Neo' rata-ama." Amin! Tumai-moko, Pue' Yesus! ՅԱՅՏՆՈՒԹԻՒՆ 22:20: Այս բաներին վկայողը ասում է. Այո. ես շուտով գալիս եմ։ Ամէն։ Եկ, Տէր Յիսուս։ Apocalipse 22:20: Aquele que atesta estas coisas diz: "Sim, venho muito em breve!" Amém! Vem, Senhor Jesus! Об’явлення 22:20: Той, Хто свідчить з пошаною про все це, говорить: "Так, Я прийду незабаром". Амінь. Прийди, Господи Ісусе! Being in The Church At Home! We are Living with The Father Son And The Holy Ghost! We are New Creations! We are In Jesus Blood New Covenant! Our Redeemer Lives! Our Savior Saves! The Church Online is Booming! The Church At Home is Rising! The Lord's Prayer is Prevailing Worldwide Now! Follow Jesus! Pray Always! Be Holy Everywhere! Surely Live Forever! JESUS IS LORD! Romans 10 :9-13. Pray The Lord's Prayer Everyday! Granted Victory Everywhere! Matthew 6 : 6, 9 - 13 Judgment Already begin at the house of God! Be Holy! Be Sober! Be Watchful Always! Flee Fornication Everyday! Flee Covetousness Everywhere! Forsake Lust After Luxury Now! Live In Holiness Never Regret! Preach The Gospel Never Draw Back! Freely Received Freely Give! Be Content! Be Thankful! As The Daily Christians! As The Church At Home! Let's Take Up Our Cross Everyday! And Follow Jesus Everywhere! Surely We Will End Up in Heaven! Amen! Father Son And The Holy Ghost Reigns Forever And Ever! GENESIS TO REVELATION! Our FATHER In Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done on earth, As It Is In Heaven. In JESUS Name! By The Power of The HOLY GHOST! As The Church At Home - The House Of Prayer For All Nations! We Are Boldly Proclaiming: Revival Everywhere! Salvation All Nations! Gospel Conquer the world Now! Trinity Reigns! We Wins! Thank You to Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread! And Thank You To Forgive Us Our debts, As We Also Forgive Our debtors! And Thank You To Lead Us Not into temptation, But Deliver Us From the evil! For Yours is The Kingdom, And The Power, And The Glory! Forever! Amen!