Pehla Kalma Tayab | Dosra Kalma Shahadat | 1st and 2nd Kalima | Islamic videos

Pehla Kalma Tayab | Dosra Kalma Shahadat | 1st and 2nd Kalima | Islamic videos

Pehla Kalma Tayab | Dosra Kalma Shahadat | 1st and 2nd Kalima | Islamic videos This is a video for children to learn. It tells about Islamic teachings. The first word is Tayyab and the second word is Shahadah. It is told in the Islamic cartoon video to teach children by keeping all things in mind. Watch this video and teach it to children. Children also learn it. Islamic video. pehla Klima Dosra kalima Second Kalima Kalima Shahada Islamic education Kalima for kids Prophet Muhammad Muslim kids Arabic pronunciation Islamic teachings Quran Pillars of Islam Kalima in Arabic Islamic knowledge Learn Kalima Religious education Faith in Allah shorts #pehlakalmatayyab #SecondKalima #KalimaShahada #IslamicEducation #IslamicFaith #LearnKalima #MuslimKids #IslamForBeginners #QuranAndSunnah #IslamicKnowledge #IslamicBasics #FaithInAllah #ProphetMuhammad #ReligiousEducation #IslamicVideos #shorts