Freeze Anything in After Effects | Hindi Tutorial for Beginners

Freeze Anything in After Effects | Hindi Tutorial for Beginners

►Check out my After Effects Course: In this After Effects tutorial I'll show you how to create a freezing look without using any third party plugin. I've used this effect many times in my explainer video workflow for Dhruv Rathee. Download all the Assets for Free: Connect with me! Instagram:   / manavisuals   Website: #aftereffects #aftereffectstutorial #freezing #freezingeffect #motiongraphics #visualeffects #adobe #adobeaftereffects #beginners #tutorial #motiondesign How to create freezing effect in after effects, how to freeze in after effects, how to create snowfall in after effects, how to add smoke in after effects, ice effect in after effects, ice Hey!, My name is Manav and I'm a Independent Creative Video Producer based in Delhi, India. I specialize in creating explainer videos and advertisements that runs on YouTube and other social media platforms. I shoot with black magic pocket cinema camera and my main editing software is After Effects. In the last 8 years I've worked with multiple companies, brands & youtubers from all around the world and have completed over 400+ projects. On this channel, I'll be sharing all of my expertise of producing professional videos that would help young creators follow their passion in the field of digital content creation. If you want to learn more, subscribe and keep an eye out for my latest videos! I will be bringing you lots more tips and tricks for beginners 👨‍🎓 to help you get the hang of motion design, as well as more advanced content such as plugins, scripts and expressions for the more experienced designers!