The Last Of Us 2 ~ Chapter 20 ~ "ROAD TO THE AQUARIUM" (Seattle Day 3)
An emotional Roller Coaster to say the least. Keep in mind there will be Spoilers for this game in these videos. This was all played over on Twitch, if you ever want to watch me play live, or just want to join a really relaxed community all info directly below! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live on Twitch | Tuesday, Thursday, Friday @2am EST: ➤ Twitch - / jerbearvii Social Media - EVERYTHING @JerBearVII ➤ Twitter : / jerbearvii ➤ Instagram : / jerbearvii ➤ Facebook : / jerbearvii Discord: ➤ / discord MERCH ➤ teespring.com/stores/jerbearvii Discounts: ➤ Techni Chairs 10% off code "Vii" : https://technisportusa.com/discount/Vii Donations: ➤ https://streamlabs.com/jerbearvii1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks For Watching Nerds! #TLOU2 #TLOU2WALKTHROUGH #TheLastOfUsPart2