Minecraft Let's Play - Ep. 1: THE BEST START EVER! (Hardcore Minecraft 1.19.2)

Minecraft Let's Play - Ep. 1: THE BEST START EVER! (Hardcore Minecraft 1.19.2)

►––– Description –––◄ Welcome to my Minecraft 1.19.2 Hardcore Let's Play! In this Let's Play we will be building, making farms, and all sorts of fun start! Hope you enjoy! Game Details: Coming soon! Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQoR... Business Contact: https://tinyurl.com/iJevin-BizContact ►––– Support –––◄ ➜Donation: •https://twitch.streamlabs.com/iJevin ➜Patreon: •https://goo.gl/y8e5SL ►––– Links –––◄ ➜Twitter: •  / ijevin   ➜Twitch: •  / ijevin   ➜Instagram: •  / eye_jevin