How To Get Shaders with OptiFine in Minecraft 1.21.1
OptiFine Shaders is one of the most popular ways to get Minecraft 1.21.1 shaders. This video is a complete guide on how to download and install shaders for Minecraft PC 1.21.1 using OptiFine. We cover how to get Minecraft shaders, how to install OptiFine, and then how to add shaders to OptiFine in Minecraft 1.21.1, so let’s dive right into it! Get an incredible DDOS Protected Minecraft 1.21.1+ server for you and your friends with SimpleGameHosting! https://TheBreakdown.xyz/SGH Shaders Packs: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/ShadersPacks Download Optifine: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Optifine Download Java: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Java Run The Jarfix: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Jarfix Better FPS with Shaders NotiFine CurseForge: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/NotiFineCurs... NotiFine Modrinth: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/NotiFineModr... --------------------------------------------- ★ Join The Discord Support Community: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Discord ► Subscribe!: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/YTSub --------------------------------------------- Best OptiFine Settings!: • Best Optifine Settings (Minecraft 1.2... Get 1.21.1 Texture Packs!: • How To Download & Install Texture Pac... --------------------------------------------- ★ Social Twitter: / thebreakdownxyz TikTok: / thebreakdownxyz About this video: In this video, you’ll learn how to get shaders with OptiFine in Minecraft 1.21.1. Shaders are one of the best ways to enhance the visual experience of Minecraft taking graphics to the next level. OptiFine is one of the most popular ways to get shaders in Minecraft 1.21.1, and in this guide, we will take you step-by-step through downloading, installing, and adding shaders to OptiFine 1.21.1. First, we’ll show you how to download OptiFine 1.21.1. There’s a link in the description above to our complete OptiFine guide. On this page, click the “Download OptiFine” button to go the official OptiFine download page. Here, click the “mirror” link next to OptiFine 1.21.1, and then, click the “Download” button to start downloading OptiFine 1.21.1. We will also need to download shader packs. There is a link in the description above to download shader packs for Minecraft 1.21.1. There are tons of different shader packs out there, and all of them will work with OptiFine 1.21.1 as long as they have been updated within the last few Minecraft versions. The download process for ever Minecraft shader pack is different, but geneerally, they are downloaded from Modrinth or CurseForge. Once OptiFine and 1.21.1 shader packs are downloaded, we can move on to how to install OptiFine 1.21.1. To do this, open up the OptiFine installer file you downloaded with Java 21, there is a link in the description above to get Java 21 if you don’t have it. Then, click on “Install” and OptiFine 1.21.1 will install just make sure Minecraft and the Minecraft Launcher and closed, and you’ve played Minecraft 1.21.1 before. Next, we’ll launch Minecraft with OptiFine. Open the Minecraft Launcher, click on “Installations,” and make sure “Modded” is selected at the top right. You’ll see an OptiFine 1.21.1 profile there. Hover over this profile, and click "Play". Confirm you want to play modded Minecraft 1.21.1 by clicking play again, and Minecraft will start with OptiFine. Now, we need to actually install Shaders in Minecraft 1.21.1 with OptiFine now that Minecraft is open. Click on “Options”, “Video Settings”, and “Shaders”. This is your Shaders Menu, and you will see a “Shaders Folder” button in the bottom left. Click on this button, and it will open your shaderspack folder. Drag-and-drop any 1.21.1 shader packs you want to play into this folder. When you go back to Minecraft, you will see any 1.21.1 shader packs you installed. Click on these, and click “Done”, and the shader pack will be active! At this point, you’ve successfully installed shaders using OptiFine in Minecraft 1.21.1. You can tweak the shader settings further by clicking “Shader Options” in the shaders menu with a shader pack selected. This will let you change various shader settings. If you have any issues or questions about how to shaders with OptiFine in Minecraft 1.21.1, feel free to let us know in the comments. We’ll try our best to help you out. If this video did show you how to add shaders to OptiFine 1.21.1, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing. It really helps the channel out, and we appreciate your support. Thanks for watching! Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links or companies I have an ownership stake in. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.