Sorry If This Makes You Buy More šŸ˜¬šŸŒ± ALOCASIA Collection Tour, Growth Updates + FUN FACTS

Sorry If This Makes You Buy More šŸ˜¬šŸŒ± ALOCASIA Collection Tour, Growth Updates + FUN FACTS

Sorry if this makes you buy more - alocasia collection tour - growth updates - fun facts - alocasia fun facts - alocasia plant tour - facts about alocasia - alocasia houseplant tips - house plant tour - house plant facts - unusual rare alocasias ----------------------------- āž”ļø For BONUS planty content with me (and Joli), feel free to check out our Patreon! Ā Ā /Ā thejunglehavenĀ Ā  šŸŒæšŸŒ± ----------------------------- PHILODENDRON VIDEO: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā SorryĀ IfĀ YouĀ BuyĀ MoreĀ PlantsĀ AfterĀ Th...Ā Ā  HOYA VIDEO: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā Donā€™tĀ WatchĀ IfĀ Youā€™reĀ OnĀ AĀ PlantĀ Banā€¦...Ā Ā  Geb + Green Houseplant Tour UK: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā HOUSEĀ PLANTĀ TOURĀ UKĀ |Ā EpisodeĀ 7Ā šŸŒæĀ Geb...Ā Ā  ----------------------------- I'VE GOT MERCH šŸ˜† šŸ¾ https://my-store-cbac58.creator-sprin... ----------------------------- MY RECOMMENDED MUST-HAVES FOR HOUSEPLANTS: ā†’ Liquid Gold Leaf Fertiliser - ā†’ Lechuza Pon - ā†’ Humidifier - ā†’ Mother Grow Light Bar - ā†’ Amazon Flexy Grow Lights - ā†’ Indoor Potting Mat - ----------------------------- In today's video I decided to take you through all of the alocasia plants (and give you a growth update) in my collection, along with some fun alocasia facts. Alocasias are one of my favourite houseplants - they're so fun to grow, they can be super fast growing and they come in such beautiful varieties! I also go through some brand new alocasias that I've recently added to my collection! ----------------------------- šŸ’š CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA šŸ’š Instagram: @TheJungleHaven TikTok: TheJungleHaven Facebook Houseplant Community: Ā Ā /Ā thehouseplantcommunityĀ Ā  ----------------------------- #AlocasiaCollection #AlocasiaFacts #WishlistAlocasias Some of the links included are affiliate links, meaning that if you buy a product I will receive a small amount of profit :) x