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You can check out the JEE/BITSAT courses by visiting our website 10qchallenge.in All the details regarding the courses are available on the channel. Procedure for enrolling in Course 1) Visit our website 10qchallenge.in and register yourself. You will receive a verification mail on your registered mail (either inbox or spam folder). Click on the link to verify your account 2) Under the courses click on JEE/BITSAT and choose the required course. 3) Click on add to cart. 4) Go to the view cart and complete the purchase. In case of any query, drop us an email or call us at 8839737146 #iitbombay #shortsfeed #viral #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #jee2023 #bitspilani #bitsat2022 #bitsat2023 #jee2023 #jeedroppers #bitsat2023 #iitjee #jee2022 JEE Droppers Strategy | Pros and Cons of being a DROPPER | Taking admission in Tier 2/3 college good or bad? #jeemotivation #jee2023 #jee99percentile #iitjee #iitbombay #iitdelhi #iitkanpur #iitroorkee #iitropar #iitmadras #iitkharagpur #jeebeststatergy #jee2024 #iitjee #bitspilani #bitsatpreparation #iitmotivation #iitmotivationalvideo #iitmotivational #motivationalvideo #motivationalspeech #motivationalstatus #jee2022counselling #IITBombay#IITlife#bignewsIITJEE #jee2022 #JEEMotivation #shorts #bitspilani #IITkanpur#IITmadras#IITdelhi #IITkhadagpur #IITRudki#IITGuwahti#IIITHyderabad #nittrichi #jeemainsexamdate #jeemainposted #JEE99percentile#jeemain #NIT#NEET #JEEBESTSTATERGY #JEEBESTCHANNEL I #bitsat2022#bitspilani #JEEpyqs #jeeshortneasytricks#class12th #jee2023 #JEEBESTANALYSIS #bitshyderabad #bitsgoa #jeemains2022latestupdate #jee2022 #jeemainpostpone #jee2022expecteddates #jeemainsfirstattemptinAprilmaybe #bestyoutubechannelforIITJEEpreparation