Trying to induce labor naturally| Miles Circuit to activate labor or help labor progress

Trying to induce labor naturally| Miles Circuit to activate labor or help labor progress

#milescircuit #pregnancyexercises #laboranddelivery Hi Momzees! Here's a 37th week update. Good news: baby's in the best position for labor. Not so good news: I'm getting an induction on the 31st (For momma and baby's safety) IF i don't get into active labor naturally this week! So i am doing everything i can to kickstart labor at home by doing some exercises. One of which is the Miles Circuit method. I believe Miles Circuit helped to easily align baby in my womb. More information: Timestamps: 00:00-00:42 Intro 00:43-03:11 My pregnancy Update and More about the Miles Circuit 03:12-05:03 Step 1: Open Knee Chest 05:04-07:15 Step 2 Exaggerated Left Side Lying 07:16-09:20 Step 3 Moving and Lunges 09:20-10:03 Breathwork