Top 10 of the strangest superstitions from around the world 🌃🗽🌏
Here are the top 10 strangest superstitions I chose for you from around the world. Write in the comments how many of them you already knew! 🌉🌌🌃🗽🌈🌏 Do you love learning new things? Then sub to my channel for more interesting information, fact videos and also entertaining videos! 1 Never Say "Happy Birthday" Too Early Celebrating or even congratulating someone on a birthday before the day arrives brings bad luck, at least in Russia that is. 2 Don't Place Two Mirrors Opposite Each Other The infinite reflections may look cool, but in Mexico and elsewhere facing mirrors open a doorway for the devil. 3 Give a Penny If You've Received Something Sharp Gifting anything with a blade can supposedly sever a relationship, so if you receive a knife set or a pair of scissors as a present, give the person a coin in return. 4 Whistling Indoors Invites Evil Whistling while you work may be an issue in Lithuania where it's forbidden to whistle indoors because the noise is believed to summon demons. 5 Don't Cheers With Water A German superstition declares that if you cheers with water you're actually wishing death upon the people you're drinking with. The idea stems from Greek mythology. 6 Keep Your New Shoes Off the Table In Britain, it's considered bad luck because it is supposed to symbolize the death of a loved one. Back in the day, placing someone's shoes on a table was a way to let their family know that they passed away. Nowadays, it's also just bad etiquette. 7 an Owl in Your House Brings Death Also, an Italian superstition says that if an owl ends up in your house, someone in your family will die. But hoo? 8 Spilling Water Behind Someone Is a Nice Gesture In Serbia, it's believed to bring good luck if you drip water behind a person. Dumping it on them is flat-out rude no matter where you are, however. 9 Wedding Bells Ward Off Evil Irish brides have been known to wear bells on their dresses to ward off evil spirits who might try to ruin their marriage — as opposed to relatives who have too many spirits and end up ruining the wedding. 10 Don't Walk Backwards In Portugal, it's considered bad luck to walk backwards. The common belief is that if you do, you're showing the devil which way you're going. Here are other interesting superstitions I did not mention in the video! Never stick your chopstick straight up! Poking chopsticks down into your food is a big no go in Japan. The utensils look like the unlucky number four, which means death, and also the incense sticks used at funerals. Another tip: Do not point your chopsticks at anyone. That is just plain rude. Do not go right home after a funeral! A Filipino tradition called "pagpag" dictates that people never go straight back to the house after a wake. Otherwise a bad spirit might tag along and come inside. Mourners will make a stop at a restaurant or store first just in case. Avoid sleeping with your head to the north or west! In Japan and Africa it brings bad luck to sleep in this directions, because that is how the deceased are laid to rest! Itchy hands have financial repercussions! In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you will get money but the left hand is the opposite you could lose money! Do not play with scissors! We all know that you should not play with sharp things but did you actually know that it brings bad luck? Stepping in dog poop is NOT bad! In France it is considered good luck if you step into dog poop with your left food. But bad luck will come if you step with your right foot. Bird poop brings good fortune! Also something similar in Russia you will get wealthy if bird poop lands on you! Owls are a bad sign! If you hear or see an owl you will get horrible news. Knitting outside can make winter last longer! In Iceland people believe that if you do your needlework outside winter will last longer. Not bad for the people that love this time of the year. Do not play with yo-yos! Syria banned yo-yos in 1933, because they thought it will cause a drought. Do not get a haircut on Tuesdays! Getting a haircut on Tuesday in India will cause bad luck. Giving yellow flowers is not nice! Giving yellow flowers in Russia means you want to curse the person with infidelity. Eating goat meat could get hairy! In Rwanda some women think that if you eat meat from a goat they will grow facial hair! Pregnant women should give into their cravings! In Canada if pregnant women want to eat fish but do not eat it they will have a baby with a fish like head. Pregnant women should not eat asymmetrical food! If they do they will end up with an ugly baby! Do not walk under a ladder! We all know this famous superstition, but not many people know that the superstition dates back to medieval times! Back then it symbolized the gallows where people were hanged. Be wary of full moons! Scary as on full moon in Horror movies the cursed people turned into werewolves and that means chaos. For more interesting superstitions: SUB!! And like pls!