4 p.m. Vigil Mass for the Nativity of the Lord (December 24, 2022)
Welcome to the 4 p.m. Vigil Mass for the Nativity of the Lord (December 24, 2022) from SS. Isidore and Maria Parish at St. Paul Church, Glastonbury, Connecticut Prelude: In Dulci Jubilo Prelude: Gesú Bambino, featuring Vincent Kaverud, violin Opening Hymn: O Come, All Ye Faithful Glory to God First reading: Isiah 62:1-5 Psalm: Today a Savior has been born to us. Second Reading: Acts of the Apostles 13:16-17, 22-25 Alleluia verse: I bring you news of great joy, joy for all nations, for today is born our savior, Christ the Lord. Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:1-25 Homily Preparation hymn: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Holy Holy Holy Mystery of Faith: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again. Amen Lamb of God Communion Songs: O Holy Night, featuring Carol Vassar, alto and Adam Giroux, baritone; What Child is This?; O Little Town of Bethlehem Communion Reflection: Father Mark Suslenko, Pastor, SS. Isidore and Maria Parish Communion Meditation: Silent Night Hymn for Going Forth: Joy to the World Permission to stream the music in this Mass was obtained from One License with license #731488-A7/19