JOY Church Worship (11/27/22)
Please join us at 9:30 a.m. for worship. We begin our time of Advent with a message of HOPE.
Unitarian Church of Hinsdale - Sunday Worship for 11-27-22 The Joy of Unexpected Change
Magnify Together Advent 1 Sunday Praise & Worship (11/27/22)
Reflection 11/27/22 Tis the Season- Peace, Love, and Joy by Kim Obenoskey
Morning Worship 11 27 22 Don't Lose Your Joy
11 27 22 Mary's Joy
Josh Holstein - Joy in Serving Jesus (RCBC 11-27-22)
Yann Opsitch 11:27:22
Joy Has Come: A Mind Full For Christmas
Joy on the Rock Sunday Morning Service 11 27 22
"The Fruit of the Spirit - Joy" - Part 2 - 11/27/22 PM Service
11-27-22 Contemporary Joy 10:30am Worship
Advent: Hope - Curtis Bell (11/27/22)
11/27/22 - Restoring the joy of Salvation (Restaurando el Gozo de la Salvación) - Bro. David Rajan
November 27th- The Power of Joy
11-27-22 "Joy in the Spreading Gospel" Phil 1:12-18a Pastor Casey Lute
(Message Only) HAPPY & HOLY SERIES: Week 4 - 11/27/22
"The Fruit of The Spirit Joy" - Part 1 - 11/27/22 AM Service
Sunday Morning Service 11-27-22 Maintaining A Spirit Of Joy Philippians 4:4-7 Pastor Kavin L. Jones
(Full Service) HAPPY & HOLY SERIES: Week 4 - 11/27/22