Third Sunday After Epiphany (Rite II)

Third Sunday After Epiphany (Rite II)

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Midlothian, VA 10:30 am Third Sunday After Epiphany Holy Eucharist Rite II READINGS: • Isaiah 9: 1-4 • Psalm 27: 1, 5-13 • I Corinthians 1: 10-18 • Matthew 4: 12-23 ONLINE GIVING: Our online giving system is our effort to offer folks multiple electronic giving options. You will receive full credit for the amount of your contribution against your annual pledge. SERVICE MUSIC: Prelude: Sur l'Introit de l'Epiphanie; Maurice Durfule Processional: Hymn 135 - Songs of Thankfulness and Praise Collect: Gloria in Excelsis Gradual: Hymn 661 - The Cast Their Nets in Galilee Offertory Anthem: I Sat Down Under His Shadow; Arlen Clarke Presentation: Old Hundredth Communion: Hymn 126 - The People Who in Darkness Walked Communion: Hymn 304 - I Come With Joy Recessional: Hymn 381 - Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness Postlude: Recessional in a Gregorian Mode; Henry Kihlken Music performed with permission. #A-716594