30 Minute Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Flexibility Routine (FOLLOW ALONG)

30 Minute Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Flexibility Routine (FOLLOW ALONG)

WORKOUT APP (FREE FAT LOSS / AT HOME PROGRAMS): https://www.bodyweightwarrior.co.uk/app FREE PDF DOWNLOAD: https://www.bodyweightwarrior.co.uk/b... HOW TO START FLEXIBILITY TRAINING:    • Where To Start With Flexibility Train...   FOLLOW ALONG ROUTINES:    • Follow Along Routines   SHOP: http://www.bodyweightwarrior.co.uk/shop/ COACHING: http://www.bodyweightwarrior.co.uk/on... JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP:   / bodyweightwarriors   INSTAGRAM: @TheBodyweightWarrior   / thebodyweightwarrior   This video shares a 30-minute BJJ / Judo / wrestling flexibility routine for improving shoulder, hip and spine flexibility. This routine is a good warm-up or cool-down for a training session. TIME STAMPS: 0:00 Introduction 0:54 Neck Rotations 3:15 Thoracic Rotations 4:45 Sleeper Stretch 8:10 Thread The Needle 9:50 Tabletop Lift 10:50 Lying Pike Rotations 12:00 Supine Tailor Rock 12:40 90:90 17:00 Tailor Pose 19:28 Horse Squat To Pancake 21:45 Side Pancake 22:50 Upward Dog 23:30 Low Lunge Extension 25:30 Camel Pose 26:50 Hero Pose 28:10 Child Pose 28:35 Final Words MUSIC BY: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ See you in the next video!