ICP-GSIS #DailyPrayer for December 31, 2024

ICP-GSIS #DailyPrayer for December 31, 2024

December 31, 2024 | Tuesday 📜Gospel Reading: John 1:1-18 Join us in a moment of reflection and devotion, as we open our hearts to the eternal Word made flesh. Let us seek His light and embrace the grace and truth He offers. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, in the eternal Word, made flesh in Jesus Christ, we behold Your glory, full of grace and truth. Illuminate our hearts with His light, dispelling all darkness. Grant us the fullness of life in Him, embracing Your abundant grace. May we ever seek the truth revealed through Your Son, drawing closer to You in love and understanding. Amen. #DailyPrayer #ICPGSIS #icpgsismedia