Dec. 5, 2021 Worship Service

Dec. 5, 2021 Worship Service

Worship - Josh Ko Community Life - Advent Reading and Candle lighting Speaker - Pastor Calvin Yim Communion - Pastor Eric Venable Message - God Loves the Simple Series - A Simple Story Because HE Came Scripture - Luke 2:8-20 There's something special about being simple. God seems to favor those who are. Like the shepherds. How may we see the shepherds as simple? The shepherds were: 1. Humble in occupation and lifestyle, 2. Spiritually Hungry to see Truth told to them without hesitation or doubt, and when they saw their Savior, 3. Honored God with their praise in response. Conclusion: Because Jesus came, the ending to our life stories (like the shepherds in Luke 2) is changed forever. That is hope that we all need.