Nixa SDA Church Service Livestream | 04-29-2023

Nixa SDA Church Service Livestream | 04-29-2023

5:26 As The Deer | Worship Team 11:14 Praise Him | Worship Team 32:30 Special Music | Madison DeWeerd 36:41 Sermon: Who Is God To The World | Pastor Jerry DuVall 1:01:14 Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing | Worship Team Join us every Saturday for in -person or online church live on Facebook, YouTube or our website. Service Times: 9:30 AM Bible Study Lesson 11:00 AM Worship Service Facebook -   / nixasdachurch   Website - YouTube - __ Subscribe to receive our latest messages: #whoisgodtotheworld #jesus #faith #hope #love #nixasdachurch #pastorjerryduvall #onlinechurch