TOP 4 BEST GUARD DOGS - this includes the rottie, cane corso and 2 more.

TOP 4 BEST GUARD DOGS - this includes the rottie, cane corso and 2 more.

You should never mess with someone who has a rottweiler as a guard dog. These are the top 4 best guard dogs. 4. Doberman, it's not only the most handsome looking dog, but it goes in super alert mode with it's family, when you'll take them outside for a walk, their eyes will be searching for any threat that might harm you. 3. Rottweiler, it has most of the features of a doberman, but it has powerful muscles all around its body. Making it the most famous guardian dog around the world. 2. Cayne corso, weighing more than 300 pounds, this dog is equal to 3 human bodyguards. They are so strong that sometimes they are compared to a lion. Number 1 is the German shepherd, they can smell if their was a person 10 hours ago in your house in your absence. It's next to impossible for a burglar to enter if a shepherd is on duty.