Introduction to a Quick Neurological Examination

Introduction to a Quick Neurological Examination

Neurological Examination is often daunting to the Medical Students. I have created a series of short videos to help students with the steps of neurological examination which will be needed during clinical examination (specially the short cases). The videos are in 3 parts - Examination of the upper limbs, examination of the lower limbs and examination of the cranial nerves. A series of 3 videos with Tamil translation is also available. I hope you all will enjoy this video. Producer: Dr Ajini Arasalingam (MBBS (Col), MD(Med)(Col), MRCP(UK), FRCPE, FRCP(London), FCCP). Senior Lecturer in Medicine & Consultant Neurologist. Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. Director: Dr J Sanjeyan (MBBS). Registrar in Surgery, University Surgical Unit. Teaching Hospital Jaffna. Vedio: Mr Sahilan