6 Way to make a girl chase you
Ignore her when she tries to make you jealous. She wants to make you feel jealous because it makes her feel validated. She will bring up another man to get a rise out of you and establish dominance over your emotions. 2) Ignore her when she texts you constantly. What you want to do is start a conversation only when you know that she is free to talk to you, so you know that she will have time for you. 3) Ignore her when you see her β let her come to you. When you realize that she is somewhere quite near to you, go back to talking to your own friends. If you want to know how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her, use this tactic and you'll see how easy it is. 4) Hide your feelings at the beginning. Don't show your feelings towards her, let her make the move first 5) Don't respond to her hmm and ok, leave her on seen