Functions of blood In Human Body | Class 11 Biology
Functions of blood In Human Body | Class 11 Biology About This Video ........................ In This Video Lecture You Will Learn Basic Concept Of Functions Of Blood i) The plasma proteins maintain colloid osmotic pressure of the blood (75% by albumins, 25% by iv) Blood helps in body defenses against disease, neutrophils and monocytes engulf and destroy products. All hormones are transported by blood from the endocrine tissues to the target cells. globulins and almost none by fibrinogen). ii) Blood helps to transport materials, in the body including nutrients, water, salts and waste v) Blood provides immunity by the lymphocytes (pages 325-327). are transported by blood. invading microorganisms e.g. bacteria. vi) Blood produces interferon, and antitoxins which are proteins, and protects our body from iii) Gases O2 and CO2 nucleic acids and toxins of invading organism. vii) Blood acts as a buffer to maintain the acid - base balance i.e. concentration of H+ ix) Wall of Blood helps in the exchange of materials between blood and body tissue through blood viii) Helps in maintaining the body temperature, concentration of water and salts, thus helps in x) Blood helps the body in maintaining the internal environment, by producing heparin, histamines, maintains body temperature to a constant or nearly constant levels. of the body.capillaries via interstitial fluid and also maintaining the amounts of chemicals including water and salts, in the body and homeostasis. xi) Helps in blood clotting process and seals the wounds, that stop entry of pathogens into body. About This Channel..................... I make these videos cause I love to draw and connect the complexity of science and medicine into art. I'm not saying. I'm 100% correct in all my videos, but I do try to obtain the information from credible sources. One-stop destination for all biology lectures. _ students in class 11, 12 or appearing for competitive medical exams ( NMDCAT ) will find it very beneficial _ The videos are categories under various heading to make the students life simplified Visit My Other Channel Playlist ..................... NMDCAT PART 1: • New 1st Year Biology NMDCAT PART 2: • New 2nd Year Biology Class 11th Lectures: • New 1st Year Biology Class 12th Lectures: • New 2nd Year Biology Class 10th Lectures: • Matric Biology Subscribe My Channel: / aliacademya7r Social Link........................ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ranaalibiologis... TWINS