Second Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent

Lutheran Church of the Master, Lakewood, CO Second Sunday in Lent, March 5, 2023 Listen to the Communion Hymn here:    • All Sons & Daughters - All the Poor a...   Your offerings to LCM can be made at: LCM is proud to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation. As the living body of Christ we invite all to God’s table, to worship, to participate, or simply to rest at Lutheran Church of the Master. Whatever your religious background--whether it is strong, wavering or nonexistent; whatever your ethnicity; whatever your age; whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; whatever your physical, emotional, or mental ability; whatever your economic circumstances; whatever your personal struggles; whatever your family configuration, we love you for every aspect of who you are. We joyfully strive to break down walls, serve the community, and love one another, affirming those who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in church and society. God’s grace includes you! Check us out online:   / lcm.lakewood   Please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more updates! Order of Service: 0:00 - Prelude 4:42 - Welcome & Announcements 6:19 - Call to Worship 6:55 - Gathering Song 8:44 - Confession & Forgiveness 10:20 - Song of Praise 13:46 - First Reading 14:56 - Second Reading 15:52 - Gospel Reading 18:23 - Message 34:22 - Sermon Song 36:20 - Prayers of Intercession 42:36 - Offering 43:02 - Passing of the Peace 44:51 - Holy Communion 45:54 - Great Thanksgiving 46:14 - Prayer of Communion 47:56 - The Lord’s Prayer 48:33 - Communion Litany 49:10 - Distribution of the Elements 50:13 - Post-Communion Prayer 50:55 - Sending Song 52:37 - Blessing & Dismissal 52:56 - Postlude