DRUMS OF HEAVAN RECIPE |drums of heaven recipe restaurant style |drums of heaven recipe hindi
#drums of heaven recipe hindi #drums of heaven recipe at home #chicken lollipop drums of heaven #drums of heaven chicken@RanveerBrar @sanjyotchef6116 @CookingShookingHindi #chickenlollipoprecipe #chickenlollipoprecipeintamil #chickenlollipoprecipeintelugu #chickenlollipoprecipe #chickenlollipoprecipeintamil #chickenlollipoprecipeintelugu #chickenlollipoprecipemalayalam #chickenlollipoprecipebangla #chickenlollipoprecipeairfryer #chickenlollipoprecipeinkannada #chickenlollipoprecipeinhindi #chickenlollipoprecipeinmarathi #chickenlollipoprecipenepali #chickenlollipoprecipeoven #chickenlollipopreciperestaurantstyle #chickenlollipopreciperanveerbrar #chickenlollipoprecipebyfoodfusion #chickenlollipoprecipeindianstyle #chickenlollipoprecipeand #chickenlollipoprecipeandhrastyle #chickenlollipoprecipeinbangla #chickenlollipoprecipeinairfryer #chickenlollipoprecipeinmalayalam #chickenlollipoprecipewithpotato #chickenlollipoprecipeinoven #chickenlollipoprecipeinodia #chickenlollipoprecipeinmarathimadhurasrecipe #chickenlollipoprecipeinteluguvismaifood #chickenstarter #chickenstarterrecipes #chickenstarterrecipesintelugu #chickenstarterrecipesindian #chickenstarterrecipesvismaifood #chickenstarterrecipesintamil #chickenstarterinairfryer #chickenstarterrecipesinoven #chickenstarterrecipesinairfryer #chickenstarterinoven #chickenstarterrecipeswithoutdeepfry #chickenstarterindian #chickenstarterforparty #chickenstarterreciperanveerbrar #chickenstarterpichekkistabobby #chickenstarterand #chickenstarterandhrastyle #chickenstarterrecipesforramadan #chickenstarteritems #chickenstarterrecipesmalayalam #chickenstarternewrecipe #chickenstarterrecipesinkannada #howtomakechickenlollipop #howtomakechickenlollipopfromwings #howtomakechickenlollipopdrumstick #howtomakechickenlollipopintelugu #howtomakechickenlollipopinhindi #howtomakechickenlollipopinhome #howtomakechickenlollipopinairfryer #howtomakechickenlollipopinoven #howtomakechickenlollipopsauce #howtomakechickenlollipopgravy #howtomakechickenlollipoprecipe #howtomakechickenlollipopindianstyle #howtomakechickenlollipopintamil #howtomakechickenlollipopfromlegpiece #howtomakechickenlollipopathome #howtomakechickenlollipopnepalistyle #howtomakechickenlollipopand #howtomakechickenlollipopinkannada #howtomakechickenlollipopinmalayalam About This Video- ess video me hum chicken drums of heaven bahut hi asani se aur swadisht tarike se banana sikhenge Ingredients- For Marination 1 tsp Red chili sauce, रेड चिली सॉस 1 tsp Ginger Garlic paste, अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट 1 Egg white, अंडा का सफेद हिस्सा 1 tsp light soy sauce, सोया सॉस Salt to taste, नमक स्वादअनुसार 10-12 Chicken wings, चिकन विंग्स 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, डार्क सोया सॉस For Stock 10-12 Chicken Winglet, चिकन विंगलेट 2 cups Water, पानी For Tempering ½ tbsp Oil, तेल 1 inch Ginger, peeled, finely chopped, अदरक 4-5 Garlic cloves, finely chopped, लहसुन 3 Green chillies (less spicy, chopped) हरी मिर्च 2 tbsp Spring onion (white part, chopped) प्याज़ पत्ता Prepared Sauce Mixture, सॉस का मिश्रण 1 ½ tbsp Cornstarch slurry, कॉर्न स्टार्च का लिजाम Fried Chicken Lollipop, तला हुआ चिकन लॉलीपॉप 1 tbsp Coriander leaves, chopped, धनिया पत्ता 1 tsp Chili oil, चिली ऑइल For Batter 1 ½ tsp Degi red chili powder, देगी लाल मिर्च पाउडर 1 cup Water (as required for thin batter) पानी Salt to taste, नमक स्वादअनुसार 1 tsp Vinegar, सिरका ⅓ cup Cornflour, कॉर्नफ्लोर 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, डार्क सोया सॉस ½ tsp Powdered sugar, पिसी चीनी Oil for frying, तेल तलने के लिए For Sauce ½ cup Chicken stock, चिकन स्टॉक 1 tsp Chilli flakes, चिली फ्लेक्स 1 tbsp Red chilli sauce, रेड चिली सॉस 2-3 tbsp Tomato ketchup, टाॅमेटो केचप 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, डार्क सोया सॉस ½ tbsp Tender Coriander stems, chopped, धनिया के डंठल ½ tsp Vinegar, सिरका drums of heaven recipe drums of heaven recipe restaurant style drums of heaven recipe hindi drums of heaven recipe at home chicken lollipop drums of heaven drums of heaven chicken chicken drums of heaven recipe chicken drums of heaven drums of heaven chicken recipe recipe of drums of heaven chicken lollipop recipe drums of heaven easy chicken starter