Advance Accounts CA inter  | Buyback 4th  Class | CA Inter  | CA Avinash Sancheti

Advance Accounts CA inter | Buyback 4th Class | CA Inter | CA Avinash Sancheti

CA Inter Advance Accounts, Buyback 4th Class for all CA intermediate Students. Click here to get the notes- To more know about the batch, call at 9875523445 To enroll for classes, click here- Book Lectures On Our Website - Download Navin Classes App - CA Inter Demo Classes Accounting-   • Playlist   Cost Accounting-    • Playlist   Advanced Accounting-    • Playlist   FM & Eco-    • Playlist   Marathon Links Accounting Marathon-    • Playlist   Costing Marathon-    • Playlist   Advanced Accounting Marathon-    • Playlist   FM & Eco Marathon- JOIN TELEGRAM CHANNEL - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM-   / navin.classes16   For more information CALL @ 9875523445 / 8240015531 Mail us at About Navin Classes About Navin Classes- Established in the year 2016 by CA CS Avinash Sancheti & CA Navneet Mundhra, Navin Classes strives to provide a qualitatively superior coaching facility in the field of Commerce. Navin Classes is a platform where student get the opportunity to be a part of learning and interactive environment which leads not only to their professional but also to their personal growth, which will eventually take them to great height of success. Navin Classes Introduction Video-    / cvohuv3ly0   About Faculties Avinash Sancheti- (Chartered Accountant & Company Secretary, AIR 1, 3 & 5) Avinash Sancheti, 1st division B. Com (H) graduate from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata is a co-founder of Navin Classes. • Qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary. • All India Rank 3 in CA Final & rank 1 in CS Exe & rank 5in CS Final. • Scored 100 out of 100 in Accountancy in IPCC group 1 and 99 in WBHS. • Teaching Accounting to Students since year 2016. • Guided more than 100 rankholders till date. In a very short span of time, He has made a mark in the field of CA CS & CMA with his quality teaching and personal guidance and devotion towards each and every student. “His world revolves around debit and credit. Such an asset cannot be missed”- A student quoted Navneet Mundhra- (Chartered Accountant, 8 papers in Actuaries from IAI) Navneet Mundhra, 1st division B. Com (H) graduate from St. Xavier’s College is a co-founder of Navin Classes. • Qualified as Chartered Accountant at a young age of 20. • 8 papers cleared in actuaries from IAI. • Only student to secure 100 out of 100 in Mathematics in B.Com (H) among 750 students. • Teaching Cost, FM & Maths to Students since year 2016. • Guided more than 100 rankholders till date. He is the synonyms of quality teaching. His expertise in subjects and friendly way of teaching encourage students to be active participants in class and develop concepts on a better level which ultimately leads to better results & personal growth. “When it comes to personal interaction & guidance, there is no one like Navneet sir”- A student quoted “He is the mathematician and the way he plays with numbers and mesmerize students with his expertise is out of the world.”- A student quoted #CAInterAdvanceAccounts #CAInterAdvanceAccountsBuyBack4thClass #BuybackofShares #AdvanceAaccountsBuyback3rdclass #CAIntermediateAdavanceAccounts4thclass