Day sky and night sky | Day and night for kids| Things we see in sky| Day and night | All about sky
Day and night | Day sky and night sky | Day and night for kids| Things we see in sky| Day and night | All about sky | Educational video for kids | Educational videos for toddlers | Learning Videos For 3 year old | Educational video for kindergarten | Learning Videos For Kids ¦ Learning videos | Educational videos #dayandnight #dayskynightsky #dayandnightforkids #allaboutsky #sky DAY SKY AND NIGHT SKY FOR KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN Common things that we can see in the sky are clouds, raindrops, the Sun, the Moon, stars, airplanes, kites, and birds. Some of the things in the sky are easy to see, and some things are harder to see. The Moon and stars are in the sky during the day, but we cannot usually see them because during the day, the Sun brightens the sky. The Sun is actually a star, and it is the closest star to the Earth. As the Sun sets, it begins to dip below the horizon so that the Moon and stars become more visible. As the Sun goes down, the sunlight disappears, making other things in the sky more difficult to see. Vocabulary Sun Clouds Rainbow Moon Owl Bats Airplane Birds