Sales invoice import excel to tally prime 4.0 | excel to tally prime data import | #tallyprime4

Sales invoice import excel to tally prime 4.0 | excel to tally prime data import | #tallyprime4

#accounting #gst #tallyprime4 #tallyprime income tax related any work :- Any refund & Notice Related Contact :-Link- #unitedarabemirates Tally Prime 4.1 :-    • Tally Prime 4.1   TDS :-    • TDS TCS   Tally Prime 3.0 :-    • TALLY PRIME 3.0   Accounting :-   • Accounting   Automobiles Accounting :-   • Automobile Accounting   Excel Advance :-   • MS Excel   whatsapp channel Link :- RCM entry :-    • rcm purchase entry in tally prime | R...   Manufacturing company accounting:-    • Manufacturing Company accounting in t...   Mismatch nature of transaction:-    • mismatch in the nature of transaction...   Repair Tally prime Data:-    • How To Repair Tally Prime Data | Hang...   unnecessary ledger & stock delete :-    • unnecessary ledger and stock item del...   overridden in transaction:-    • overridden in transaction in GSTR-1 T...   GST setup :-    • cgst sgst igst adjustment entry in ta...   delivery challan in tally prime:-    • delivery challan kaise banaye tally p...   remove json import file in tally prime:-    • REMOVE JSON FILE IN TALLY PRIME 3 0 |...   json file export in tally prime:-    • tally prime 3.0 me JSON file kaise ge...   Purchase from unregiterd supplier entry :-    • purchase from unregister supplier ent...   stock entry :-    • stock management in tally prime | sto...   16.igst purchase inv entry:-    • interstate purchase voucher entry in ...   17.stock item create :-    • tally prime me stock group , Item, Un...   5.GSTR-1 Filling :-    • GST Return Filing 2023 | Tally Prime ...   6.Purchase order,Receipt Note,Rijection out,purchase inv,debit note entry in tally:-    • how to see purchase order in tally pr...   7.Vlookup function in excel :-    • accounting ke liye excel ka best form...   8.Gst on adv Received entry :-    • Tally Prime  gst on advance received ...   9.Delivery challan,sale order,rijection in,credit note,sale inv entry :-    • delivery challan in tally prime | Sal...   10.Profit & loss account And GSTR Report mismatch Adjustment in tally :-    • Sale Value Mismatch  GSTR-1 Vs Profit...   11.GSt invoice excel me kaise banaye :-    • GST invoice in Excel | Create invoice...   12.Tally prime Basic Course :-    • Tally prime full course 2023 | tally ...   13.Nature of Transaction Error gst report :-    • nature of transaction | tally prime m...   14.Mismatch due to tax amount in gst report :-    • mismatch due to tax amount modified i...   15.Cgst And Sgst Tax Value mismatch entry error :-    • cgst sgst values do not match verify ...   16.Delivery challan entry :-    • tally prime me delivery challan kaise...   17.Computer shop Accounting :-    • computer shop Accounting | Tally Prim...   19.Subtotal Function in excel :-    • excel | Sum Subtotal Formula Use in e...   20.Automatic Serial no in excel:-    • Excel 2024 | automatic serial number ...   21.Advance Drop down menu in excel :-    • excel me Advance Drop-down  list ka u...   22.Tally prime for begginer :-    • #tallyprime  all part for beginners |...   24.Payroll Accounting in tally prime :-    • salary and wages entry in tally prime...   25.Tds on interest, Rent And Security Entry :-    • interest calculation entry on B2b sal...   26.Interest calculation in tally :-    • interest calculation entry on B2b sal...   27.Tcs on sale of goods entry :-    • tcs on sale of goods entry in tally |...   28.Advance excel shortcut key :-    • excel advance shortcut key | row colu...   29.Discount on sale entry :-    • discount auto calculation on sales in...   30.Gst Adjustment entry Part-1 :-    • #tax adjustment entry | tally erp 9 m...   31.Gst adjustment entry Part-2 :-    • Tax Adjustment Entry in tally ERP 9 |...   38.Partner ship Form accounting :-    • partnership form accounting in tally ...   39.Taxable value And Tax Rate calculation :-    • taxable value or tax rate kaise nikal...   40.Tds on salary calculation :-    • tds on salary Calculation | tds calcu...   41.Automatic attendance sheet in excel :-    • full automatic attendance sheet in ex...   42.Tally gst report and gst portal report match in execl :-    • gst adjustment entry in tally prime |...   43.Sale purhase entry in excel :-    • data entry in excel | automat Data en...   48.Excel class conditional formating Part-1 :-    • excel me conditional formatting date ...   49.if function use in excel :-    • if function ka use excel me kaise kar...   53.three type of sale service entry :-    • Automobile workshop service entry in ...   54.depreciation entry :-    • depreciation entry tally prime| balu ...   55.Debit note entry :-    • tally prime debit note credit note | ... note entry :-    • credit note entry in tally | cement i...   59.Balu cement shop sale inv entry :-    • sale voucher entry in tally prime | b...   60.Balu cement shop Purchase inv entry :-    • purchase entry in tally prime | balu ...