कमर में दबी नस की एक्सरसाइज | L4 L5 S1 nerve root compression | Disc prolapse | SCIATICA | Back pain
In this video Dr Sunil Tank suggests best exercises for L4 L5 S1 nerve root compression, Sciatica, back pain,disc herniation . These exercises are easy to perform and gives relief in your back pain and leg nerve pain due to L4-L5-S1 disc herniation. Consult your doctor or Physiotherapy before performing any exercises. For online consultation call:- 7737396799 Follow & Subscribe us to watch latest health related videos. ● Facebook : / drsuniltank ● Instagram: / physiopointjpr PhysioPoint Dr.Sunil Tank (Pt) Consultant Sports Physiotherapist G-25,Rama Heritage,central Spine , vidhyadhar Nagar-Jaipur (Raj). Call :-07737396799 #discbulgeexercise #l4l5s1exercises #physicaltherapy #health #healthylifestyle #backpainrelief #discbulge #slipdisc Related videos: Chiropractic Adjustment for sacrum and lumbar spine • Chiropractic Adjustment sacrum and lu... Hamstring stretching exercises in hindi • How to stretch tight hamstrings for b... 6 best stretches for lower back and upper back pain & stiffness • 6 best stretches for lower and upper ... Lower back pain relief exercises in hindi • Exercise for lower back pain in hindi... L4 l5 s1 disc bulge exercise in hindi • L4 L5 disc bulge exercise in hindi | ... Anterior pelvic tilt correction exercise in hindi • Anterior pelvic tilt (APT) | Correcti... Upper back pain relief exercise in hindi • Upper back pain relief exercises (Hin... Spinal canal stenosis exercises in hindi - 6 best exercises for lumbar canal stenosis in hindi • Spinal canal stenosis exercises in hi... kulhe ki nas pe dard ka ilaj • कूल्हे पर नस का दर्द - kulhe ka dard ... hip pain relief stretches in hindi • Hip Pain Relief Stretches & Exercises... Unlock your glutes - Stretches for glutes muscles • Unlock your Glutes - Best 4 stretches... tag:l4 l5 disc bulge exercises in hindi l4 l5 s1 disc bulge exercises l3 l4 l5 bulging disc treatment l4 l5 l5 s1 slipped disc treatment best exercise to cure slipped disc disc bulging or herniation What are the symptoms of a herniated disc at l5 s1 how to cure slipped disc in lower back disc bulges at l4-5 and l5-s1 l3 l4 l5 s1 disc bulge physiotherapy diffuse disc bulge at l4-l5 and l5-s1 l5 s1 disc bulge exercises l4 l5 s1 exercises What is the l5 s1 disc diffuse disc bulge at l4-l5 and l5-s1 treatment in spinal cord injury treatment l4 l5 s1 slipped disc l4 l5 disc bulge treatment l4 l5 disc bulge exercises slipped disc Exercise for L5 S1 slipped disc l5 s1 slipped disc exercises back pain l5 s1 treatment back pain best exercise for l4 l5 disc herniation best exercise for l4 l5 disc bulge herniated disc back pain relief exercises sciatica pain relief exercises low back pain back pain treatment herniated disc exercises herniated disc treatment disc bulge l5 s1 best exercises for l4l5s1 bulging disc l4 l5 s1 disc bulge exercises in hindi l4 l5 disc bulge sciatica exercises in hindi slip disc kamar dard ka ilaj low back pain relief exercises sciatica and back pain self treatment exercise for bulging disc l5 s1 l4 l5 slip disc treatment l4l5disc bulge treatment without surgery exercises for bulging disc in lower back physiotherapy for slipped disc in lower back sciatica and lower back pain how to cure back pain sleeping positions for back pain sciatica pain relief home remedies l5 s1 pain relief exercises l5 s1 disc bulging exercise l4 l5 s1 bulging disc exercises in hindi slip disc exercise slip disc treatment low back pain exercises slipped disc treatment lumbar disc herniation l4l5 disc bulge exercises bulging disc exercises for lower back exercise for bulging disc in lumbar l4 l5 slipped disc l4 l5 slip disc how to cure slipped disc naturally l4 l5 disc bulge bulging disc lower back exercises exercises for a bulging disc cure slipped disc without surgery slipped disc in lower back how to recover disc bulge lumbar disc herniation physical therapy spinal stenosis disc bulge l4-l5 l1-l2-l3 l4 l5 l3 l4 l5 l4 l5 disc exercise for l4 l5 disc bulge l4 l5 disc bulge exercise l4-l5 disc bulge exercises disc protrusion lower back disc bulges bulging disc exercises stretching exercises for disc bulging yoga for disc problems baba ramdev slip disc exercise for slip disc yoga for slipped disc slip disc ka ilaj slip disc ki dawa physiotherapy for disc bulge sciatica pain relief lower back pain streatching exercises sciatica exercises sliped disc exercises lower back disc slip disc yoga l4-l5 disc degenerative disc disease disc decompression therapy disc herniation exercises bulging disc physiotherapy disc bulge exercise bulging disc treatment l5-s1 treatment lower back pain relief exercises best exercise for l4 l5 disc bulge best spinal canal stenosis exercises lumbar spinal stenosis exercises lower back pain exercise disc pain disc hernia bulging disc extruded disc disc extrusion best exercise for l4 l5 disc bulge and