đź”´What Triggers Narcissists to Revalue You After Discarding? | Narcissism | NPD

đź”´What Triggers Narcissists to Revalue You After Discarding? | Narcissism | NPD

Please Subscribe @NarcPedia for various topics related to narcissism and narcissists. Let's study and grow together! Thank You! Hello everyone, and welcome back to our channel. Thank you for joining us for another video. If you enjoy our content, please take a moment to like and subscribe. Your support helps our channel grow and reach more people. Today, we are going to discuss a crucial topic: what makes narcissists revalue you after they have discarded you. It’s essential to understand that every single one of you possesses something valuable that can lead a narcissist to reconsider their previous decision. Yes, every one of you. It’s important to dispel the myth that narcissists are infallible beings who can easily move on without any feelings. This perception is not accurate. Narcissists have their vulnerabilities, and they often seek out the emotional supply that you provided during your relationship. When they discard you, it may seem like they are unaffected, but this is far from the truth. The key factor that prompts a narcissist to revalue you is your personal growth. When you start to heal and develop yourself, especially after experiencing the turmoil that often accompanies a relationship with a narcissist, they begin to notice the change in you. Instead of focusing on them or trying to rekindle the relationship, your shift in orientation—where you prioritize your own well-being—can lead them to recognize your worth once again. They are aware of the potential within you, even if they once overlooked it. It’s crucial not to blame yourself for any attempts you made to fix things when you were with them. If you reached out and they ghosted you or gave you the silent treatment, remember that these actions reflect their character, not yours. You acted as a genuine person would, seeking connection and understanding. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that you have awakened to the reality of their narcissism. You may feel hurt, betrayed, or even abused—mentally, physically, or financially. These feelings are valid and deserve acknowledgment. It’s important to understand that healing is a journey that begins with self-care. If you have children, of course, caring for them is a priority, but you must also ensure that you focus on your own healing. The first step in your journey is to begin the healing process. You might have been out of the relationship for months or even years, yet you may not have fully healed from the wounds inflicted by the narcissist. Healing takes time and effort, and it’s vital to address these wounds appropriately. "Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel." #Narcissist #Narcissism #NarcissisticAbuse #ToxicRelationships #MentalHealth #NPD #Psychology #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder