Out Of Body Experience Meditation | Powerful OBE Astral Travel Music

Out Of Body Experience Meditation | Powerful OBE Astral Travel Music

4Hz Theta Binaural Beats Meditation Music to Induce Astral Projection & Encourage Mind Awake/Body Asleep | This Immersive Out of Body Experience Meditation Music is Infused with deep theta frequencies to encourage deep meditation & the initiation of an OBE. Astral Projection is the phenomenon of our conscious awareness separating from the physical body. It is a self-initiated Out of Body Experience (OBE) usually associated with the astral planes. During an Out of Body Experience, our self-awareness (where we perceive ourselves in time and space), isn’t operating in the same place as the physical body. Astral Projection can happen during your sleeping cycle, during meditation, and while you are fully awake and conscious (although less common). ✨3 KEYS TO ASTRAL PROJECTION: ● Mind Awake / Body Asleep State (Liminal State) ● Vibrational State (Sleep Paralysis) ● Exit Technique (OBE Induction Technique) ✨WE CAN ACCESS MIND AWAKE / BODY ASLEEP: ● During naps ● As we fall asleep & as we are waking up ● Anytime you're deeply relaxed with closed eyes but awake ✨SIGNS YOU'RE ENTERING THE VIBRATIONAL STATE FOR ASTRAL PROJECTION: ●Physical sensations like vibrations, heaviness, body temperature slightly drop, slipping off your bed, the feeling of floating, body dissociation, and/or a surge or rush of energy ✨ THINGS TO NOTE ABOUT THE VIBRATIONAL STATE: ●The vibrational state happens when the body has successfully fallen asleep, but your mind is still awake to notice it ●The vibrational state is your cue for your exit technique ●Once you are in the vibrational state, proceed to either a lucid dreaming technique or an OBE technique ✨BENEFITS OF ASTRAL PROJECTION ● Creates open-mindedness ● Removes or reduces the fear of death ● Enhances emotional maturity & creative intelligence ● Enhances happiness, well-being, and internal peace ● Acts as a gateway for other powerful spiritual experiences ● Creates a stronger connection to Self ● Connecting with deceased loved ones ● Creates a deeper understanding of reality, consciousness, and evolution ✨One study showed that 88% of participants experienced a beneficial change after an out-of-body experience occurred. In another study with 300 participants, the research found that 86% experienced heightened awareness in their perception of reality, with 78% noticing long-term sustainable benefits. ✨SEE SCIENTIFIC STUDIES BELOW: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/... https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-s... https://philarchive.org/archive/SELOER -- Hey! I'm Haylee 😊 On my channel, you'll find endless content on dreamwork, lucid dreams, astral projection, personal development, spirituality, and more. Join me as we explore the Inner Self, dive into the Dream Realm, and create the life of our dreams from the inside out! It's time to transform our minds, design our waking lives, and experience endless adventures while we sleep. To lucidity & beyond! This channel creates content based around dreamwork, sleep, lucid dreams, astral projection, meditation, spirituality, science, personal development, and life itself! Join the Dream Family here on this channel as we navigate the mysteries of life, consciousness, and reality. 💙 ✨ SEE ALL RESOURCES: https://linktr.ee/TheLucidMystic BECOME A MEMBER OR PATRON FOR EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS, AUDIO COURSES & MORE: 🙌Youtube Member:    / thelucidmysticssleepmusic   🙌Patreon:   / thelucidmystic   🔔Subscribe to my second channel for exclusive dreamy sleep music released every single night: https:   / thelucidmysticssleepmusic   🎧Join me on Peak.Audio for ad-free sleep music & exciting audio courses: https://bit.ly/PeakAudioTheLucidMystic 😴 Get Wireless Headphones for Comfortable Sleep & Uninterrupted Music: https://bit.ly/TheSleepPhones 💙JOIN THE DREAM COMMUNITY: 👻Community Snapchat: @ thelucid_mystic 📸Instagram: @ thelucidmystic ♪TikTok: @TheLucidMystic 👪Private Facebook Lucid Dreaming Community Group:   / 2179522905603500   📱Telegram Community Group Chat: https://t.me/joinchat/c56ntZoBbRg4MTQx 💙SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: 🙏PayPal: https://bit.ly/TheLucidMystic 🙏Cashapp: $TLMOfficial 🙏Venmo: TheLucidMystic For business inquiries & questions, please email me at: [email protected]. Happy Dreaming! The Lucid Mystic 4Hz Theta Binaural Beats Meditation Music to Induce Astral Projection | Encourage Mind Awake/Body Asleep *Music created by The Lucid Mystic LLC. The Lucid Mystic LLC owns all rights to the audio in this video. #theta #meditationmusic