STRANGEST Creatures Found in Africa

STRANGEST Creatures Found in Africa

From seriously scary insects … to the critically endangered pangolin … here are 20 of the strangest creatures in Africa Subscribe to Epic Wildlife Let's Connect -- --   / epicadamwildlife   --   / epicwildlife   -- Ankole Watusi Horns (ang-kole watusi) Originating in Africa, Ankole Watusi are considered medium-sized cattle, weighing between 900 to 1,600 pounds. But there’s nothing medium-sized about their horns …. They’re huge! They can reach up to 8 feet from tip to tip … experts say they’re used for self-defense. These animals have served as food and currency among African tribes. Tribal status was also connected with the animals. Cattle with the largest horns were claimed by the king and considered sacred. The breed is often referred to as the ‘cattle of kings’. Mandrill These Old World Monkeys are known to live in very large groups, to to 800 individuals … and they can get pretty big, with males weighing more than 100 pounds -- that makes them the world’s largest monkeys. While they have some impressive physical characteristics like canines almost 2 inches long, they’re best known for their distinctive facial colorations. That is usually exhibited as a red stripe down the center of the muzzle, blue ridges protruding outward, and red lips and nostrils. Gerenuk (gair-uh-nook) The word means “giraffe-necked” in Somali, not difficult to understand why. These are antelope that are able to balance themselves on their hind legs to feed from branches and vegetation their shorter-necked relatives can’t reach. That long neck gives it the nickname, “giraffe gazelle” … but they’re really antelopes. When they stand on their hind legs to feed off tree branches, they can stand more than 6.5 feet tall! They’re mostly found in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania (tan-zuh-NEE-uh). Shoebill As you might guess, this bird’s name is inspired by its massive bill, which is shaped not unlike a shoe. In addition to that imposing look, these creatures can be physically imposing as well. They can reach a height over 5 feet and a wingspan more than 8.5 feet. They’re native to swamplands from Sudan to Zambia. Although they’re often referred to as storks, it’s true relation to other birds is still a mystery. Okapi (oh-KAH-pee) You’d almost swear that someone crossbred a giraffe with a zebra and a donkey is its own animal and lives in the tropical rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite the zebra-like horizontal markings, the Okapi’s closest existing relative is the giraffe … you can kind of tell that from the elongated neck. The Okapi’s odd coloration is thought to help the animal better camouflage itself among foliage and vegetation. Before it was first described by British zoologists in 1901, the Okapi was thought to be a mythical creature … referred to as the African Unicorn! Armoured Ground Cricket The name is a little misleading. Although these insects do appear armored, they’re not related to true crickets, which belong to another family. This non flying species can grow to about 2 inches … and that spiky exoskeleton is a type of defense mechanism. But it’s not their only one. They can squirt a fluid through their armor called a ‘hemolymph’ … which is like an insect’s version of blood. It can be toxic predators. They can also use their powerful jaws, which are known to inflict a painful gash. They’re also known as a pest in Southern Africa, causing crop losses approaching 40 percent. Pangolin (PANG-guh-lin) This is said to be the only mammal known in the world that is covered in scales. These critters are found in Asia in addition to Africa … and tend to grow close to 40 inches long. The scales are made out of keratin, the same material that makes up your fingernails. And they’re used for protection when the animal rolls up into a ball. The behavior is similar to that of armadillos, with which they’re often confused … but they’re not related. New evidence has shown that pangolins are more closely related to the Carnivora, which includes wolves and bears. Did you know that Pangolins are the most illegally trafficked animals in the world?