06/02/2024 | The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ | Corpus Christi

06/02/2024 | The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ | Corpus Christi

Bienvenidos a Celebrar la Santa Misa Welcome to the Celebration of the Holy Mass Liturgical Time: Most Holy Trinity Liturgical Year: Year B° Pastor: Rev. Father Jimmy Drennan St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church 1314 Fair Ave. SATX 78223 Social Media and Website www.stmmcc.org Facebook: @stmargaretmarysa (Main Page) Facebook: @StMMRitualMasses (Special Ceremonies) Instagram: @stmargaretmarysa YouTube: @stmargaretmarysa Contribute/Donation Links Paypay.me/stmargaretmarysa Cash.app/$stmargaretmarysa • All Rights Reserve @ StMargaretMarySA •