Daily Catholic Mass Readings January 16 2025
DAILY ROMAN CATHOLIC READINGS AND SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS Thursday, 16th January 2025 ------------------------------------------------ THURSDAY, FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Memorial of Saint Joseph Vaz Heb 3: 7-14 Ps 95: 6-11 Mk 1: 40-45 ------------------------------------------------ THE EXAMPLE OF THE LEPER Unbelief stands tallest among the challenges on the spiritual journey. During their sojourn from Egypt to Israel, the Hebrews witnessed the wondrous power of God. But even with that experience, they hardened their hearts against the will of God and faltered in their journey of faith. Their doubts disconnected them from God, and their story serves as a warning for us. The tale of Israel during their exodus is not merely history but equally a call to introspect our own hearts. As opposed to the unbelief of the Israelites, we have a starkly different example in the gospel. The leper who approaches Jesus projects an immense amount of faith in the power of Jesus to heal him. This leper seems to have nurtured hope, a hope fuelled by his faith. His sincere and humble confession, “If you are willing, you can make me clean,” is but a profession of his faith. This declaration testifies to the strength of his trust in the power of Jesus that transcended his desperate circumstances. Unlike the Israelites, the leper chose to believe in the ability of Jesus to heal him, offering us in his own person an example we could imitate. The readings compel us to consider the consequences of our unbelief as well. Because of their ‘stiff-neckedness’ and ‘hard-heartedness,’ Israel was led away from the ‘Promise’ they were to inherit; similarly, our unbelief, our questions, our doubts can gradually lead us astray. As opposed to the Israelites’ unbelief, we have the leper, whose faith led him to healing and restoration. His faith in Jesus effected the transformative power of God to work in him. As humans, we too might come across moments of doubt and disbelief where we feel tempted to withdraw from God. Let us ask ourselves: whom do we choose to emulate: the unbelieving Israel or the believing leper? Response: O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts.