IPO मा Apply गर्नुभयो ? 🤔 Guardian MICRO Life Insurance IPO

IPO मा Apply गर्नुभयो ? 🤔 Guardian MICRO Life Insurance IPO

नया IPO पौष २१ गते बाट | Guardian MICRO Life Insurance IPO | new upcoming ipo in nepal Guardian Micro Life Insurance Limited will issue 18 45 000 unit IPO shares at a par value of Rs. 100 from 21st Poush 2081. The early closing date of this issue is on the 24th of Poush and if the issue is not fully subscribed it can be extended up to the 6th of Magh 2081. Subscribe my channel for more videos ❤️ Satya Raj Basnet- Share Market Comments for any queries we will respond as soon as possible.🙏 ....................................................................... Connect With us: Facebook:   / satyarajbasnetofficial   Instagram:   / satyarajbasnetofficial   Tiktok:   / satyarajbasnet   .................................................................... For Interior Design and Construction work : Vastu Interior and Architect Call / whatsapp - 9801137705   / vastuinteriorarchitect   ----------------------------------------------------------------- Check our latest videos FIXED Deposit गर्दा Bankले नभन्ने कुरा | Tips Before Opening Fixed Deposit In Nepali Bank    • FIXED Deposit गर्दा Bankले नभन्ने कुर...   विदेश बाट- How To Open Demat Meroshare and Broker Account In Nepal | Capital Max Securities    • विदेश बाट- How To Open Demat Meroshar...   SIP बारे सम्पूर्ण जानकारी | How To Open SIP Account Online | SIP in Nabil Bank    • SIP बारे सम्पूर्ण जानकारी | How To Op...   .................................................................... With love & Respect Satya Raj Basnet upcoming ipo nepal For Business and Sponsorship Email: [email protected] .................................................................... @चेतावनी यस च्यानलको कुनै पनि भिडियोहरु अनुमति विपरित डाउनलोड गरि फेसबुक पेज तथा गुप्रहरुमा लाईभ स्ट्रिम गरेको पाईएमा वा डाउनलोड गरि युट्युब वा अरु कुनै सामाजिक संजालमा राखेको पाईमा प्रचलित कानुन बमोजिम कडा भन्दा कडा कार्वाहि गरिनेछ ।। (Embedding on website is allowed.) #satyarajbasnetsharemarket #guardianmicrolifeinsuranceipo #guardianmicrolifeinsurance #guardianmicrolifeinsurancelimited #guardianlifeinsurance #upcomingipoinnepal #ipoinnepal #ipo #sharemarketupdate #satyarajbasnet your queries guardian micro life insurance ipo guardian micro life insurance guardian micro life insurance limited guardian micro life insurance ipo result guardian life insurance guardian micro life insurance ipo date guardian insurance guardian micro insurance guardian micro life guardian micro life ipo micro life insurance ipo life insurance,guardian insurance ipo guardian micro life insurance limited ipo guardian micro life insurance ipo analysis micro insurance upcoming ipo in nepal ipo in nepal new ipo in nepal upcoming ipo latest ipo in nepal upcoming ipo in 2024 new upcoming ipo in nepal ipo nepal new ipo opening in nepal upcoming ipo 2024 sun nepal life insurance ipo new ipo ipo news latest ipo share market in nepal ipo news ipo update new ipo update ipo result ipo latest news latest ipo news naya ipo in nepal upcoming fpo in nepal Satya raj basnet share market #sharemarket