All Maria Marquessa Cutscenes Far Cry 6

All Maria Marquessa Cutscenes Far Cry 6

Video off all Maria Marquessa the mother of Diego Castillo's Cutscene Clips in Far Cry 6 Become a Member    / @indojordy   Keep up for my next videos from Far Cry 6 Easter Eggs. Far Cry 6 is a fictive game with Giancarlo Esposito as Dictator Anton Castillo who runs the Island Yara with an Iron fist. Dany Rojas is the main protagonist and is part of the resistance to stop Castillo! Furthermore keep up for future updates off: Red Dead Series, GTA Series and more Gaming Instagram   / indojordy   Twitter:   / indo_jgt   Join us on Discord   / discord   #FarCry6 #Marquessa