New Action Movie 2025!! Captain America: Brave New World #movierecap #shorts
Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, finds himself in the middle of an international incident and must discover the motive behind a nefarious global plan. Alive Recaps uploads once a day, so make sure to click SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and SHARE with your friends! Thank you for watching and wish you good health! Music Snowfall by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au . . . Tags: #newmovietrailers #fullmovie #netflix #movierecap #mysteryrecapped #movierecaps #bestmovie #top10movies #moviereview #movietrailer #movieexplained #bestmoviesonnetflix #bestmovies #captainamericabravenewworld #captainamericabravenewworldmovierecap #captainamericabravenewworldmoviereview #captainamericabravenewworldmovietrailer #captainamericabravenewworldmovieexplained #captainamericabravenewworldfullmovie #redhulk